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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Jetway dual header not working
Chris Ovenden   2002-07-05 06:30
I bought a Jetway SIS 315B dual header card to run an extended desktop on two 15" TFT monitors at 1024x768 each. The card will drive both monitors but only in mirror mode, which is no good to me. The card came with no documentation, although it said on the box it could do this; I can't figure out if it's just really well-hidden in the software, if I need to specialy configure Windows (I'm running 2000 SP2), or whether mirror mode is all it can do.

Anyone know the answer?

Christian Studer   2002-07-05 06:59
I have talked to someone else with the same problem, works fine on Win98 but on Win2000 you only get mirror mode.

I'm not sure if the card uses 1 or 2 video chipsets, but if it is a single-chipset card the problem could be related to the Win2000 limitation regarding single-chipset dualhead cards: FAQ.

Christian Studer -
Chris Ovenden   2002-07-05 07:36
I'm almost certain it only has one chipset (I don't have it in front of me). This is worrying. The FAQ doesn't say whether SIS or Jetway have created a driver to get round this limitation. Do you know if such a beastie exists?

Christian Studer   2002-07-05 08:02
Looks like they didn't do this, but I have no idea if they are working on a solution. BTW, if you have access to Windows XP, might be worth giving it a try, XP has better support for dualhead cards than Win2000.

Christian Studer -
Daniel   2002-07-11 14:30
I'm the one, having the same "mirroring" problem
under Windows 2000, FYI, the Card has Two
chipsets, the main 315, and for the secondary
tv/monitor display, it uses a 301 chipset.
BTW : Joytech makes the card I have...
Tried all their drivers... same result...
Mirror, but not Multiple like I Can get in Win98..
Hope someone comes up with a decent driver set soon!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Jetway dual header not working

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