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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> hey Christian Studer, or Nite
Tony   2002-07-09 09:45
I'm addressing you 2, because you seem to be the ones to be able to give me a reliable answer.

in my thread : TV-out problems

I got a reply indicating that I might be able to use the two vga outputs AND the TV out of my ELSA Gladiac 511 Twin (GF2MX400 DH w. TVout) at the same time if I use ultramon. Is that true? I doubt that the GF2MX chip is capable of that. But would be happy if you prove me wrong.

Thanx for any help, Tony.

Heli - Boarder
Christian Studer   2002-07-09 09:52
UltraMon certainly won't help with this, don't know if the chip itself can do it. Maybe you can run 2 monitors and mirror (clone) one of them on the TV?

Christian Studer -
Tony   2002-07-09 10:58
thanx Christian, thats what I thought, but I haven't been able to do that yet either. Oh well, as soon as I have both monitors activated I don't seem to be able to access the TV out at all. I've gor my TV out running in general, not with nview yet.


Heli - Boarder
Nite   2002-07-09 17:19

I've heard two opinions. Other people say that they're indeed able to run the TV-out *along* with the two VGA outputs. I haven't heard any confirmation from them of what drivers/OS they use, and do they have the TV as "third screen" or is it a clone of one of the two "main" displays, as Christian suggested. I'm leaning to that last one. I don't think the TwinView card is capable of outputting three separate pictures, as it only has two output channels.

But, on the other had, there are people, like you, whose card doesn't allow the TV-out if TwinView is in use. This is the majority of people.

There might be some revision of the board that is capable of outputting to the TV-out with both monitors in use. But one thing I'm pretty sure, if one uses the TwinView option (not nView) the TV-out isn't usable, since the desktop is in "streched" mode, and not in "true" multi-mon.

eh, sorry for the rant :)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
daniel   2002-07-09 18:36
I replied to your original post saying i was running 2 monitors and a tv screen, but I am doing this running 2 graphics of which has a tvout....I generally run the tv as a extended desktop along with the second monitor(havnt tried cloning, my desktop looks like a L shape)

(29.42 dets, winxp pro, agp geforce2mx400 with tvout and a generic 2mb pci card, using standard nvidia twinview thing and ultramon)

ps..i was sure i could drag the screens around (all 3) using twinview....?...I have since unplugged the second monitor due to gaming problems with the old pci graphics card having to be primary for me to boot into xp....but if you like i can reinstll it and check

Sorry for the confusion
Tony   2002-07-09 22:21
thax for all of the input. That explains almost everything Daniel, I know such a setup should work, as long as all of the graphic adapters are running fine. I was just starting to wonder if I had an unused opportunity here. My old C64 monitor is basically a TV without a tuner, and that would have come in handy as third screen. Okay, I might get that to work with a secondary PCI card. Now a different story. The friend of mine who has my old GF2MX w. TV out installed the 12.90 Detonators (I suggested those, it's a K6-2 350 system) now has TwinView running fine. But when he clones his Desktop to the TV, he gets a panned (a 800x600 section of his original 1152x864)setup on the TV. Is there a way around this without reducing the res. on his main screen to 800x600. I think to remember there is, I just had him on the phone, and am not sure where to tell him to look.
Thanx again, Tony.

Heli - Boarder
daniel   2002-07-10 00:38
You can choose a particular screen to mirror another particular screen using Ultramon I believe, I havnt really tried cloning using 3 screens so arnt much help (sorry)

I found running xp pro that I had better results overall and less hassles runing the latest detonators (29.42) rather than the 21.83 and 28.32 that i tried, although that mainly depends on the card I suppose (although i run a low end geforce ok with latest dets, there was no change in benchmark scores using 3dmark 2000 and 21.83 dets and 29.42 dets on mine)

The only real problem running 3 screens in a L shape is spanning wallpaper....if i choose to span the wallpaper, it treats it as 4 screens in a square...and i miss the top right part of the picture, the only fix I have found is to split the picture down the middle and save it as 2 files, then use a separate image for each screen.

Might throw a question in if anybody knows the answer... I am running from the tvout plug on the graphics card into a video players video in rca...and then from the video player coax into the tv. (i get a pic on tv by tuning the tv to the video channel)
Is it possible for me to record what is on the tv screen doing this? unfortunatly i got no spare tapes to try, but if it is I might be able to dubb DVD movies onto cassette? I watch these on the tv screen.
Tony   2002-07-11 22:21
you don't have to record from the TV screen, you should be able to record directly from the input channel you connected the PC to(AV1, AV2...)
Just don't forget to also connect the soundcard to the Audio in from your VCR. You might have to set/hack your software DVD player not to transmit the macrovision copy protection signal.


Heli - Boarder
daniel   2002-07-12 12:29
Thanks Tony,

The macrovision issue had completely slipped my mind actually, I do run a great little anti-macrovision program that loads itself in the background whenever a dvd player is loaded ( ) otherwise I cant get a viewable picture on the tv at all!

I am guessing I would have to take a lead from the front speaker output on the sound card into the audio in on the vcr and change the dvd player software to 2 speaker mode otherwise I will probably lose a few sounds getting sent to other speakers.

I am definatly going to give this a go, the dvd movies take between 6-8 gig each of hard drive space if I rip them completely (menus etc) and I am actually filling my 60gig hdd fast!

Another application I was thinking of with recording off the tv, Is to record myself installing and configuring various programs, as a friend of mine keeps stuffing his computer, and I keep getting roped in to fix everything again, generally he mucks his file associations twice a week, at one stage...dont ask me how, he associated .exe files with notepad!! and hence, every program he tried to run, overloaded notepad displaying code, and locked up.

He is a bit older, and doesnt seem to be able to remember things when I show him how to do them, so this might help out a bit and save me LOTS of time and fuel!

Damn, havnt i just been rambling ;)

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> hey Christian Studer, or Nite

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