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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors in XP with ATI All In Wonder Radeon 7500 AGP
Bill Scofield   2002-07-13 17:11
When configured with a Cirrus Logic 5446 PCI card, the PCI card must be configured as primary in Bios in order to start. Then selected the Radeon (#2) as primary monitor in Windows-Display-Settings. However the TV functions will not run. Getting error message "The TV Player failed to initialize the video"
Anyone else having this problem?

Any known PCI video cards that allow the Radeon TV functions to operate normally in Dual monitor mode?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Bill Scofield
widefault   2002-07-13 17:14
Matrox G200 is the only one I've gotten to work right. That's with a Radeon AIW original and a Radeon 8500DV.

See my LCD setups
Bill Scofield   2002-07-14 07:44
Thanks for the info widefault.

I take it that your bios selection is for the ATI A-I-W as primary AGP. Is there any trick to getting the Matrox PCI to initialize when it is not selected as primary in BIOS?


Bill Scofield
widefault   2002-07-14 08:49
Yep, AIW is set to primary in the BIOS. No problems with the G200 under Windows 2000 or XP, detects and initializes fine.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitors in XP with ATI All In Wonder Radeon 7500 AGP

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