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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors from display port hub
earl   2014-06-09 15:54
I have 4 monitors (HDMI, DVI & VGA mix) on 2 video cards (pci & pci/e 16) the pci card is dying & I don't want to buy a new one.

Instead I am considering an AMD 7750 or similar card with dvi/vga & DP. If 2 or more monitors are attached through a hub into the DP, will UltraMon
be able to control those 2 ?

What is the limit of DP hub attached monitors UM can support ?


Christian Studer   2014-06-10 12:46
I'm not familiar with this, but the operating system and video card driver would handle this, as long as the operating system sees each monitor UltraMon will see them as well.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> multiple monitors from display port hub

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