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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Quake 3
JzL   2002-07-17 13:08
I would like to Multi Monitor with Quake 3. I have a GF 3 TI200 as my primary card, GF 4 MX 420 as secondary. Will someone post a link on the best way to enable mlti monitors in Q3. I have tried the links here on the site, but none have been successful? :(


Nite   2002-07-17 17:24
best way to start is to tell which OS are you running... w2k? XP? 98?

at the moment, it seems that its not possible to run Q3A in multimonitor mode on multiple nVIDIA cards. a while ago there was on option on w2k detonators, but is seems gone now.

basically, you have to make windows recognize the adapters as single wide desktop (a la Parhelia's Stretched Mode), not as multiple separate screen. That way you can just alter the resolution q3 plays at. (information on how to do that is on Matrox' site, links are in MMGW)

(which, btw, may look funny since my hosting www server decided to use it's cache to display pages, and it haven't updated it for like 24h! *gah*)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
JzL   2002-07-18 02:18

Sorry for not leaving more details on my system.

My OS is Windows Xp Pro. I have read around all the links, I did find some useful stuff on Multi Monitor Quake3 for Linux ;)


Nite   2002-07-18 02:38
For now, I think it's impossible to get 3D HW accelerated games to run on multiple monitors in fullscreen mode with nVIDIA adapters. I've been told that ATI's newest Catalyst-drivers support this feature even accross different Radeon cards. Impressive, I'll raise my hat for ATI. And, of course, its working on Matrox' Parhelia-line of cards...

Perhaps, if enough people would email nVIDIA, we might get the "Treat all nView capable devices as single display"-option back to our Detonator drivers, to both XP and W2k.

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
GeeZuZz   2002-07-18 02:41
I also read the article about quake on linux. It is a shame that games don't support multiple montors...

I tried it on my winXP computer, but it did not work.

BTW, will you have bigger field of view while running multiple monitors, or will it be the same, just stretched?

and if you are using to monitors, won't the gun and crosshair be placed in the middle of the monitors? how are you supposed to aim?
Christian Studer   2002-07-18 02:48
You should use 3 monitors, see my Parhelia review for a screenshot.

Christian Studer -
JzL   2002-07-18 03:11
That is a good point, How in the hell would you aim with a "Two monitor setup" in Q3? LoL, never even thought of that one.


Nite   2002-07-18 03:55
JzL, I thought and tired.

You don't. :) (aim, I mean)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
JzL   2002-07-18 04:29
Man, I think that my quest for Multi Monitor action in Quake has ended, (until I get support for another monitor) ;-)


r0gu3   2002-07-29 16:25
Well it really isn't that tough (software wise) to do(i have done some work in linux to do just that :) ), assuming that you can have multiple opengl apps running accross multiple screens at the same time (think multiheaded gl screensavers)

If you simply(although there would be a few tricks) subplanted your own opengl dll and then called back to the real opengl library you should be able to simply send said calls to seperate screens and then do a single mult on each screen to make sure they are positioned right, that way you could start up a windowed quake3 with a resolution of 1920x480 and then render accross say 1 twin view display and 1 other display (assuming that they both can use the same openg implementation :) )... But some stuff can become tricky in windows because the app can force itself to be ontop, and MAY require itself to be ontop to get input (i don't know if that can be forwarded cleanly in windows or not :) )

If someone is interested in writing a library that does that, I would be more than willing to lend a hand(i can give just about all opengl functions, but none of the wgl :) )...

- r0gu3
tANK   2002-08-03 15:39
To answer GeeZuZz's question, you would have a bigger field of view so you would have sort of an advantage. I can't post the link, but i do know a page where Q3 is being playing on dual monitors (i can't seem to find the aim, maybe it's in the middle). It's kind of long instructions but check it out if you want to see. Go to, then click on Reviews, then Video Cards, then MSI GeForce4 Ti4200, then go to the next page on the review, and somewhere near the middle bottom there are pics of dual monitors and different possibilities it could run, click on the bottom right pic. THere you see. I think there are only certain games that can run full dual monitor setup like Q3 being one of them. Just like there are few games that can run triple monitor setups. Hopefully, all games in the future would be able to run multi-monitor setups.
tANK   2002-08-03 15:45
Try this link and see if it works instead of having to go through the insrtuctions.

If it doesn't then just read the post above.
onelin   2002-08-05 02:04
I just feel like talking about the FoV ... stretching across 2 monitors itself would not improve your FOV...but you could stretch it then change your FoV (cg_fov I believe) to something like 120 (or more, but OSP and mods cap it at that for fairness) and it wouldn't look as weird as it would that wide on a single monitor (just speculation, but)
tANK   2002-08-05 03:59
I'm just guessing it would widen your FoV. Just like the Matrox card does with triple monitors. It makes your FoV larger so i thought it would do the same with dual monitors.
Ian Caulfield   2002-08-05 10:31
I saw on Slashdot an article about IBM doing OpenGL rendering on a cluster; they were using an open-source tool called Chromium, which fakes OpenGL calls, can divide an OpenGL window into tiles and dispatch the rendering to multiple devices (on other computers potentially). They had Q3 running on it.

I think the link is:
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Quake 3

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