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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multimonitor issues
Matt Jin   2002-07-18 12:20
I've been trying to install a second video card in my system to support a third monitor. The original one's an AGP dual head (GeForce4 MX 440), the second one's an old old ATI PCI card (ATI Rage Pro PCI). No matter what I try, they just won't work simultaneously. I've tried installing the PCI card in different slots, and using different versions of drivers for both cards. I've tried enabling or disabling nView in the nVidia drivers. I've tried installing one first, then the other, or vice versa, or even both simultaneously. I've tried booting from PCI and AGP. In the former, only the PCI card works, in the latter, only the AGP. In Device Manager, the card that doesn't work shows error 10 (device cannot start). All the hardware is fine - I've tried all the monitors and video cards in separate places and they all work.

Here's my system configuration (though I doubt it would make too much of a difference):

Video card 1: VisionTek XTASY GeForce4 MX 440
Video card 2: ATI Rage Pro PCI
Monitor 1: Samsung 19-inch 955DF
Monitor 2: Micron 17-inch
Monitor 3: eMachines 14-inch
Gigabyte 7VTXE motherboard
Athlon XP 1800+
IBM Deskstar 120GXP 80GB hard drive
Western Digital 20.5GB hard drive
1.44 Floppy Drive
Goldstar 16x CD-ROM (old old old :) )
Linksys LNE100TX 10/100 PCI NIC

Thanks in advance.

Matt Jin   2002-07-18 12:21
I forgot to mention that I'm running Windows XP Pro. :)

lynn   2002-07-21 10:09
try this first go into the bios and and change the display first from agp to pci i am running win98 and up intill now with a tnt 64 pro card could not get the card to power the secound monitor but i still can get a display on the monitor other than that try screen savers and do a google search thru microsft data base and check the ati web site they may notsupport a three monitor display
Neal   2002-07-22 14:55
I had the same problem with XP pro for a long time i couldn't get the two working together at all. I ended up reinstalling XP and it worked, I did all the security updates then did the recommened ones. One of the recommened ones made my second monitor go blank, I did a recover to get back to working order. Have you upgraded any non-critical updates? Im still trying to figure out what updated may have done it, I dont know what the deal is.
Daniel   2002-07-22 23:08
You could try updating Xp till you get the problem, then uninstalling the xp updates in Add/remove programs one by one (the xp hotfixes) and see if you can catch out the culprit out
Perhaps a image of the hard drive might be in order first though.
Matt Jin   2002-07-23 13:42
Hm, I have installed all the critical updates and most of the recommended ones ... I'll try your suggestion.

It is good to hear that someone's got this particular combination working. Neal, I'm assuming you're booting to the PCI card? Could you tell me what versions of the drivers you're using, the slots of the cards, and if nView is enabled or disabled?

Thanks all.

Neal   2002-07-28 02:28
Well my configuration is a little different im actually using two geforce 2 cards, an mx and a pro, I did have to install the pci first, I actally gutted my machine of all the other cards and put it in the first slot, then installed the agp, then continued with my other pci cards. If your using a rage pro I think you do have to boot off that.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multimonitor issues

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