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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> radeon 7000 and ultramon
James   2002-07-25 11:37
so i just installed my radeon 7000 (dvi/vga) and hooked up a 19" CRT (to dvi via adapter) and a 15" LCD to the vga. installed ultramon. neither ultramon or the ati software notices my CRT. my CRT is on and mirroring the LCD. but i would like to change the resolution on my CRT. i also can't do other things like moving windows, etc. help please. thanks.
kuglvinkl   2002-07-25 13:50
I think, R7000 have just one RAMDAC, so no-go. Buy another PCI card or Radeon VE, 7500, 8500, 9000 or GeF 4 Ti Series or Matrox Parhelia, G450, G550.
Robie   2002-07-26 13:31
I also have a Radeon VE(7000) and am using ultramon and 2 monitors,mon 1 is a 21 inch Hitachi CM802,mon 2 is a 19 inch magview. I had a similar problem at first,both monitors are CRT's so I am using the adapter that came with my Radeon for the 2nd mon. I was getting my desktop mirrored on both monitors which is usless for my needs(photoshop,gimp,etc.).I didn't have a second monitor showing up on my settings tab in the display properties.I am using WinXP Pro and had installed drivers that I had downloaded from the web.After lots of screaming "Why is this hard it should be simple!!"(yes I'm a n00b),I realized my drivers must be the problem.I found drivers that had been downloaded from ATI long before I decided to use 2 mon.My card is an actual built by ATI retail card I got off (32MB version).I got the card because ATI has better 2D and I am not much of a gamer.Always knew I had dual ramdacs but never thought I needed them,but now WOW 2 mon ROCKS!!I'll never go back.Anyway the drivers I have installed now are version after installing these I had 2 mon in my display properties and all has worked flawlessly ever since especially after installing ultramon.I don't even have hydravision installed anymore.
kuglvinkl   2002-08-02 13:48
Hmm, are there two versions of R7000? Regular R7000 (one RAMDAC) in Radeon VE (2 RAMDACs, without T&l)?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> radeon 7000 and ultramon

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