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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> MirrorMon Source
Ilya Brown   2002-07-26 12:20
Hi Christian,
Would it be possible for me to get the source code from your original MirrorMon application? Or at least the functions you used to hi-lite particular windows by hovering over them and getting the window handle?

If you can't get me the source, I understand. But could you at least get me a copy of the MirrorMon.exe app that I can run with UltraMon 2.0b7 installed. Currently I have to uninstall 2.0b7 and install 1.0 in order to use the MirrorMon app.

Christian Studer   2002-07-26 12:59
I can't give you the source code, but have uploaded a special build of the old version of mirroring that works with new UltraMon releases:

Windows 98/Me:
Windows 2000/XP:

Christian Studer -
Ilya Brown   2002-07-28 06:54
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> MirrorMon Source

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