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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How big of a difference is there between DVI and VGA outputs
Chromedomeius   2002-07-30 13:17
I'm going to be running 3 18.1" lcds soon. I'm very interested in the Parhelia. But it can only run 1 DVI and 2 VGA outputs. Would I be better off getting something like the g550 with dual DVI outputs and a PCI card with a single DVI as a second card?
Christian Studer   2002-07-30 20:39
The Parhelia does support dual DVI displays, but only in dualhead mode, not triplehead. See my review for details.

Christian Studer -
Chromedomeius   2002-07-31 06:50
yeah. I had planned on getting the Parhelia. But is DVI connection so much better that it would be worth going with a G550 card w/dual DVI and a pci card w/DVI so all 3 lcd will be running DVI insteed of the Parhelia running 1 DVI and 2 VGA. Or would I not see a big enough difference.
Chromedomeius   2002-08-01 14:04
Does anyone know the visual difference between the DVI and VGA? And is it worth going all DVI since I'm going to be running 3 lcd's?
Matt Jin   2002-08-02 09:45
I heard (don't hold me to it) that modern LCD panels and modern graphics cards like the Parhelia are good to the point that DVI and VGA look pretty similar. From my problems, I'm not sure I ever want to try running two video cards together anymore...

Chromedomeius   2002-08-02 11:27
Hey Matt, Thanks for you input. I too like the thought of only using one video card. But is the DVI so much better that it would be worth using two cards instead of one. I've read that there is a big difference. But I still would like hear the opinion of someone who has used both.
Biff   2002-08-02 12:08
Well I don't have experience with the Parhelia, but I did try hooking up two iiyama panels to a Gainward 750 XP the other day, first using the VGA passthrough adapters and directly to the dual DVI outputs after that.

The difference at the 1600 x 1200 native resolution was remarkable. The DVI output was noticeably crisper, making even the smallest text easy to read. Definitely worth it.
Chromedomeius   2002-08-03 01:13
Thanks Biff,
Thats the exact kind of comparison I was wanting to hear about. Someone how has seen the difference first had.
Thanks for all your help guys.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How big of a difference is there between DVI and VGA outputs

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