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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dvi-vga ghosting/blurry results
Jason Heppler   2002-08-03 10:59
I am using a Radion 9000 Pro with dual heads. One VGA and one DVI, I have a DVI-VGA adaptor on the DVI plug and two CRTs up and running, but the monitor connected to the DVI connector with a DVI-VGA converter on it produces blurry/ghosting results on the monitor. Is this common? Do I have a bad DVI-VGA converter? How can I resolve the issue?
Garrie Harvey   2003-02-10 20:31
I've got exactly the same problem.
Does anyone have a solution?
Bruno   2003-03-09 12:31
Are you running a REAL ATI card? Or is it a third party card? I'm guessing PowerColor. Is the card half-height? Is it PCI?

Likely cause are components on the TV output causing interference. Partially implemented filter circuit. This isn't a problem with ATI (built by ATI) brand cards that I've seen.

niq   2005-06-27 22:08
Hey i have a ATI card , not a 3rd party and i have the same problem . i have 2 lg f700p's connected . The dvi/vga ceonvertor makes a difference . I borrowed one from a friend and it was a little bit better. i dunno , im still looking for some more feadback from ATI about this
ScottDC   2005-07-11 16:34
I have the same problem with DVI if I have a cable plugged into the s-video connector as well.
Which is annoying since I want both DVI and s-video without having to mess with plugs.
zima   2005-07-13 07:47
It is unfortunatelly very common for ATI and Nvidia cards to have problems with image quality on second head (luckily the times when also the first head was bad (esp on Nv) are over). Only Matrox appears to have mastered the craft of producing cards that have high image quality on all heads...unfortuantelly, since their cards are rather expensive and slow :/

However this is my solution to the problem: I run ATI card in AGP slot, using only one of its outputs, and I also have a Matrox G450 PCI, which is cheap and has two analog outputs of very good quality.
Slaughterer   2005-07-18 08:17
I had a slight ghosting once with two monitors on an Nvidia card. I thought it was signal interference in the cables so I unbundled them but that didn't help. Then I set the two monitors to different refresh rates and the problem disappeared. So I think it WAS interference, but I'm not sure where. I recommend you try different refresh rates, and if that doesn't work, try to isolate the problem by eliminating one thing at a time (monitor, TV out, etc.) until the problem disappears, and post more info here. Keep in mind TV-Out is going to be running at 60Hz. Good luck.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dvi-vga ghosting/blurry results

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