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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 or 9 commodore monitor videowall
Chris   2002-08-03 15:02
So I have ammased around 8 of those old 1701 and 1703 series Commodore monitors.

They all have composite in.

Aside from spliting a single image and mirroring it on each screen can anyone give me some suggestions as to what I can do to hook them up as a videowall?

Thanks in Advance

kuglvinkl   2002-08-05 11:31
Matrox MMS series or Nvidia NVS 400. Make it double.
Chris   2002-08-08 16:40
Thanks for the heads up on the quad cards.
I guess I could get a box and pile in 2 of these cards and then any od single display and get 9 displays, however I would need to adapt each VGA to comp as the monitors I have only have comp in.

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions about what type of video hardware I would need to run a single image spread over 9 monitor video wall.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 or 9 commodore monitor videowall

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