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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K Dual Monitor Setup
Chris Ortenburger   2002-08-08 06:59
I have been running dual monitors for a while. I have a LeadTek WinFast Dual something or other.
Unfortunatley, I have been confined to running it win Win98, as they do not make drivers for my card for Win2K -

I want to upgrade my OS to win2K. I think this is the best OS yet and am hoping someone can reccomend the best cost effective dual display solution for my setup. I have tried using 2K with my current card and get nothing but errors.

I was looking at this card:

But the one that I see on the lower left appears to be the Quadro4 200 NVS, with only one monitor output ? How can this support 2 displays?

If anyone can reccomend a simple soultion, I would be most appreciative.

Dave O   2002-08-09 10:31
My personal experience would indicate Win2K a bad choice for a dual monitor setup if you plan on using one video card. The only video card I have truly seen work is the Matrox. I believe you can have great results in Win2K using a separate video card for each display. I finally gave up and switched to Xp.
Christian Studer   2002-08-09 11:35
The NVS card uses a special cable with two VGA or DVI ports, see this review for a picture.

Christian Studer -
Damien   2002-09-03 15:55

>>My personal experience would indicate Win2K a bad choice for a dual monitor setup if you plan on using one video card.... I finally gave up and switched to Xp.

Other than the fact that ATI's HydraVision does not support independent resolutions under Win2K but does under WinXP (the same used to be true for nVidia's TwinView, but is no longer true for their nView), what advantages do you find for WInXP over Win2K for a dual monitor setup with a single video card?

Christian Studer   2002-09-04 00:24
I've heard from several people having problems with Nvidia dualhead cards on Windows 2000 when using independent displays mode.

But apart from better dualhead support, Windows XP doesn't have any additional multi-monitor features when compared to Windows 2000.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2002-09-19 07:20
Currently using Win2K server three problems. ATI7000, and nViDIA Dual Head GF MX440 with Dual view

By the way have you guy check out the Litestep. Its a shell replacement for standard windows shell. It can help you get the most out of your desktop space. Large number of themes for it. (only use OTS compliant themes)

Damien   2002-09-23 12:18

Is that ATI 7000 also dual head (of which you're using only one)?

Which card is in the AGP slot and which PCI?

Rob   2002-09-25 04:55
NV GF MV440 Dual AGP , ATI 7000 Single PCI

dkev   2002-09-26 16:13
I run dual monitors with a Radeon 9700 pro under win2k. I have absolutly no problems. Matter of fact Ive always used win2k with dual monitors. Also as far as win2k not being able to display indipendant resolutions with dual monitors. Thats wrong also. I can run any combination of resolution and refresh rates I want. However, I will concede that that may have to do with the 9700's dual ramdacs. Also the new ultra mon 2.0 runs flawlessly with win2k and the Radeon 9700 pro. Its nice to finaly be able to run open gl screen savers on both monitors.
Keith   2002-09-27 03:26
Same as Dkev I am running 9700 Pro and also 8500 under W2K, no problems with independent resolutions since the Cataylst drivers came out. One problem that has continued in W2K and XP is OpenGL performance on monitor 2. Or I should say no OpenGL on monitor 2. Dkev mentions running OpenGL screensavers on both monitors. How? I have the lastest ATI drivers still no luck. Thanks.
Matthew   2002-10-01 03:08

I just installed the latest Catalyst 2.3 (6166) drivers on my Win2k system with Radeon 8500LE installed. I am unable to set the monitor resolution independantly on the screens. It just treats it as one big desktop. From reading your post, it seems like you are not having that problem with your 8500 card.

Could you elaborate on resolution/settings/driver versions for your 8500 setup? I really want to get this card working with different resolutions on the two monitors.
Keith   2002-10-01 04:13
Did you leave out the hydravision software, this is the ATI software that allows you to configure the monitors. The current version is 3.10.1010 on the ATI website. With that installed the standard properties window will show two monitors and allow you click on each one. Or under the advance tab>displays> will show each monitor. Hope this is all it takes.
Matthew   2002-10-01 06:09
Nope, I downloaded and installed the driver, control panel software, and latest Hydravision. I think it was 3.10.1010, but I'll double-check when I get home. My machine still shows only one monitor, but lets me extend my desktop, and set 2048x768 resolution to get "sort of" multi-monitor. Still no good for watching full screen movies on one monitor, or keeping your start menu on only one screen.
KevinST   2002-10-02 23:00
I've got a Win2K server here at wrk with multi-monitors (nVidia TNT2 on AGP and a ATI Rage Pro on PCI) without any problems.

At home I've got a Win2K machine that had a Geforce2GTS on AGP and a TNT2 on PCI, now it has a Geforce4 4200 powering both monitors.

No problems at all on any system :-)
Keith   2002-10-04 02:22
I have changed between 8500 and 9700 and W2K and XP too many times, I must have confused which was running true dual monitor displays and when I merely extended the desktop. The following discussion at Rage 3D may clarify
Sorry I for the confusion.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win2K Dual Monitor Setup

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