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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Memory allocation problems under windows 2000
John Shell   2002-08-14 01:03
I added a second video card to my computer and setup for running dual monitors, but now a C++ application of ours is getting memory allocation errors. We use a call to GlobalMemoryStatus and allocate memory using malloc based on the dwAvailPhys and dwAvailPageFile members of the returned structure. The malloc is failing, however.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and know how to deal with it?

BTW: When I try running Serious Sam 2, I get a message box saying, "Virtual alloc failed." So I guess it's not just our application.

Thanks for any help,
Christian Studer   2002-08-14 12:04
This might help: Windows 2000 exhausts PTEs with multiple monitors

Christian Studer -
John Shell   2002-08-16 05:03
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, it didn't help. Any other ideas?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Memory allocation problems under windows 2000

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