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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Set-up Finally Worked
Rick   2002-08-18 07:33
Hi there, I used this forum and its links to help get both monitors to work, after setbacks, and thought I would post my experience.

With Windows ME, PII 400, 256 mb ram, I originally had an STB 128 card with 8 mb, came with computer, in the AGP slot. Bought an ATI Xpert 128 16 mb PCI card and popped it into a spare slot. At boot the PCI card came up on the 2nd monitor, but my main monitor didn't do anything. Went into BIOS and found nowhere to make changes to video, but the system apparently changed main monitor to the PCI carded monitor. Device Mgr said STB card didn't support multi-monitors, so I bought a new AGP card, ATI Radeon 7000 VE 32 mb. After installation and switching the card between slots, got error code 10, memory conflict in device manager. No probs running one monitor; adding the 2nd created probs. At least I had one good card that upgraded my original card. Back to the drawing board for multi-monitors.

On this site found compatible cards listed and ran back to the store, exchanged ATI Xpert board for the PNY brand PCI 32 mb nVidia TNT2 m64 chipset. Almost bought the GeForce 64 mb card but didn't want to spend for it if not required.

After installation everything worked properly although I had to re-install the new card a few times to make my larger monitor the main monitor, had it backwards to begin with. Learned alot from this site, also learned alot about video and cards, something I always hated up to this point.

All in all the whole thing took more time and a few bucks than anything else. I love the dual monitor set-up and now want a larger 2nd monitor. Sorry for the long post, just wanted to explain my problems and my solutions.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Set-up Finally Worked

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