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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor was working until ran ipconfig.exe by mistake now shows emm386 message
Ant   2002-08-22 00:47
Hi thanks for your time
I am using a nvidia tnt as primary and tnt 2 m64 as secondary. when first installed i got the emm386 memory message but after modifying the config.sys to include "device=C:\windows\emm386.exe X=c000-cff" all was fine.Until like a complete idiot i ran ipconfig.exe by mistake and now i get the emm386 memory message like before even though config.sys is still the same.Anyway i think thats wot caused it.Any ideas would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Ant   2002-08-22 01:38
Hi again
i have just discovered that in fact it was sbsetup.exe(sound blaster pci) that was ran by mistake and it has added to the line in config.sys so that it reads "SBPCI Mod:device=C:\windows\emm386.exe X=c000-cfff" if i restore the line to it original text it still makes no difference and shows the emm386 memory message.please help before my second monitor goes in the bin.

Tony   2002-08-22 07:52
how about first uninstalling the SB, maybe a clean OS install, then trying a different PCI slot for the soundblaster.

Good luck, Tony.

Heli - Boarder
Rage   2002-09-19 07:21
thanks for your help tony but ive tried it and its made no difference. :(

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitor was working until ran ipconfig.exe by mistake now shows emm386 message

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