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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No Color on TV
Jesus Chris   2002-08-30 07:30
I am running a G4 MX420 (cheap, yes, I already know)...but i'm trying to run a second monitor out to my tv. I'm using Monster cable video out from the RCA slot my card provides me to the in on the tv and there are two problems. One, there are lines going up the screen constantly. I toyed around with the verticle hold & it seemed to solve the problem with that just fine, however there is no color. I had the same problem when i tried running an s-video from my mx420 to a different color & the lines.
Am I just a complete retard here, or is there something i'm missing?

Quote the raven nevermore.
Tony   2002-09-08 07:45
did you set the TV output to the correct Standard? NTSC or PAL


Heli - Boarder
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> No Color on TV

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