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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1/3 of my monitors placed wrong...fix?
Peter   2014-09-10 03:10
I have a setup of 3 monitors (see url below for pic) and I noticed now with the setup done that the vertically placed monitor to the right should have been placed from the top and not from the bottom as I placed it. Mouse and background images gets misplaced as you can see on the image. Can I change this with some software?
Would not like to mess with my monitor setup since the frame in the back was a frikkin nightmare to build!!>My setup>Computer setup
Christian Studer   2014-09-10 12:08
You can change the monitor arrangement via Display Properties, just drag the monitor 1 icon with the mouse and align it at the bottom with monitor 2, that should fix the problem.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1/3 of my monitors placed wrong...fix?

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