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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitors powered after winxp has started-->2nd monitor not automatically recognized
Marcello   2014-10-05 03:16
We have 2 monitors connected to a Winxp pc, I want to have ALWAYS "Extended Desktop" on 2 monitors. However when I turn ON the monitors AFTER winXP has started, then I have only 1 monitor. Is it possible to FORCE the graphiccard (or windows) to be always in extended desktop mode ?
Christian Studer   2014-10-05 13:31
I don't think that's possible.

Can you extend the desktop to the second monitor via Display Properties, or do you need to restart the system (leaving both monitors turned on) to get both monitors working?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitors powered after winxp has started-->2nd monitor not automatically recognized

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