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JS 2014-10-15 10:41
Not even sure if this is an UltraMon question, but I do own it so hopefully it can help. Im looking to pin specific apps to the taskbar and have them open on specific monitors. Doable?
Christian Studer 2014-10-15 15:14
You can't pin apps to the UltraMon taskbars, but for the main taskbar this should work fine, you can do this by creating a shortcut to the application, then open properties for the shortcut and configure the position for the application on the UltraMon - Window tab, then right-click the shortcut and select 'Pin to Taskbar'.
I tested on Windows 8.1, but would expect this to work the same way on Windows 7.
Christian Studer -
Nocturnal 2015-03-24 11:48
Is there any plans to add something like this? Actual Multiple Monitors does it but it's buggy as hell. Oh specifically for Windows 8.1.
Christian Studer 2015-03-24 15:13
There are no immediate plans for something like this, but I'll consider that for a future release.
Christian Studer -
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