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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> borderless monitors
lookin   2002-09-10 23:41
Anyone out there have any info on monitors without a border on one side? Seems like there should be a manufacturer out there somewhere. My goal here is to be able to perform multitrack editing across two monitors without the annoying space in between them.
Nite   2002-09-11 04:00
try or for multi-monitor displays. there was some other manufacturer but I forgot the address. :/

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
xsvtoys   2002-09-12 12:28
Nite   2002-09-13 00:19
Yes, that one :)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> borderless monitors

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