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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> questions on setting up dual monitor
Mikey   2002-09-21 03:58
Hi all,

I am running WinXP Prof. with Leadtek G4 Ti4400 as primary card in AGP, and Diamond Viper V330 for dual monitor in PCI.

Here is my problem: The second monitor on the V330 card shows up as grey scale. (I have confirmed that the monitor is working fine when used alone). Is it the card that is the issue? or a setting somewhere in XP?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Nite   2002-09-21 04:05
I would think its a driver issue. V330 is nVIDIA's chip (Riva128) and I'd think that the newer drivers (for GF4) somehow mess up the Riva-drivers. Just a hunch tho. But sometime ago Riva128 and GF2s were listed as a no-no coupling someplace. *shrug*

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Mikey   2002-09-21 04:09
Thanks Nite,

Now then, seeing that the Viper card might be a bad choice, what are some cheap PCI cards out there that'll work with the G4 Ti4400?
Nite   2002-09-21 06:22
Surest choice is Matrox. Try to get a Matrox Millennium II (MGA-2164W). They generally sell for less than $10/10€ and are probably compatible with anything :) (I have had them working together with GF2, Voodoo5, S3, other matroxes, etc...)

If you live in US, try eBay. Otherwise a local auction center or something. If you get lucky, you'll find one in the local computer shop :)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Jeroen Cuppen   2002-10-06 21:14
I was just searching this board again for a better solution for this problem then I currently have, but my solution is certainly better then your 'use another card'

The problem is that there is some kind of bug in the windows xp and 2000 drivers supplied with windows that causes the image to go greyscale whenevery something like contrast or brightness or gamma is changed through software (for example try to set the brightness in powerstrip)

Well this wouldn't be a problem if you simply wouldn't touch these settings, but almost any opengl program out there somehow changes the gamma values of BOTH your cards temporarilly. It doesn't help to disable your card before you start the game or if you keep it running (though you should disable it because most opengl games don't like a secondary card)

Now here is my (simple) solution:
Go to the graphics acceleration tab and decrease the slider to the second notch. Your card will still be fast enough for simple desktop work, but you can't play video's etc. The card isn't that great in playing video's anyway.

If you are thinking about getting a secondary card, I would try to get a TNT+ graphics card for PCI. Because of Nvidia's unified driver architecture the cards are still supported! Though it could be possible that nvidia will drop support for one card, it has never done this. Even the TNT1 is still supported by the newest detonator 40 drivers, available for XP.
Graeme Thorne   2002-10-21 22:23
I am running XP Pro SP1 with a Leadtek GF4 4400 and a Palit GF4 MX440 PCI without any problems.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> questions on setting up dual monitor

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