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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV Tuner Window does not display on second monitor??? STRANGE!
Drew   2002-09-25 05:28
Hello. I have a ATI Radeon 7500 DDR AGP. I have it configured to run Dual VGA using the VGA adapter on the DVI out. My primary reason for wanting dual monitors is for photoshop pallets and image comparison, etc. But occasionaly, I like to run WinTV, a PCI tuner card. I can shrink it down so that it hovers ON TOP of everything, like a internet browser window, but if I move the floating window or the regualr app window to the second montior, only the FRAME moves to the send monitor. The actual TV signal/image is oprphaned on the main monitor. In other words, the program moves, but it leaves what is essentially the remnants on the main monitor, but it keeps refreshing. I can move the window back to the main monitor,and it refreshes and is back to ok.

I have chalked this up as the two don't work together, but then found this site and thought I would ask.

Any ideas? DO you think that it will do this if I make the second disply source the TV monitor? Can I switch back and forth between SVIdeo out and DVI out as the secound output (assuming I can't do all three...which I jsut asked in another forum posting).

THanks for any feedback!

tom   2002-09-25 18:01
That behaviour is "normal" with the WinTV. I don't know of any solution and using 3rd party software (like MoreTV) doesn't work either.
Axident   2002-10-01 12:23
Yeah, that's pretty standard behavior for most boards with overlay video. Matrox and Appian boards are the only ones I've found that don't have that problem.

You can get around it with Nview2, only for Nvidia cards at the mo. It has a feature that enables overlay video to be output to you second monitor. It's similar to matrox's DVDMAX, although not quite as refined. Any overlay video you play on one monitor will be mirrored fullscreen on the other. So you can play a Divx, DVD, whatever almost minimised on one and watch it on the other. Still a bit buggy though: if you disable your secondary monitor and then reenable it, the function will cease to work until reboot :(

ATI will probably come up with something similar, but they are slower on driver development :(
Anh   2002-10-02 05:35
Am I understanding this thread correctly? Does this mean that I cannot run nvDVD and have it display on the second monitor? I tried draggin the windowed DVD screen to the second monitor and only the frame showed up.

My setup is as follows: GF3 Ti500 AGP, GF2 MX400 pci twinview plus (2 VGA out) on dual 1.4GHz AMD MP. btw, I am running Detonator 40.xx version with nView enabled.

Thanks for your answers.

Christian Studer   2002-10-03 02:03
I don't know about nvDVD, but this will work fine with Zoom Player (as long as you have video overlays on the secondary monitor).

Christian Studer -
NICK   2002-10-04 03:21
I have a lifeview tv card found that the proprietry software was pathetic, but surfed the web and have found ATv2000 software runs quite well on both monitors, totally freeware also.Another nice piece of freeware I use also is Dscaler , no go on my second monitor but works a treat. Both of these apps work on many, many TV chip configurations.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV Tuner Window does not display on second monitor??? STRANGE!

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