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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> s-video to 2nd monitor? bad specs on this card??????
matt-the-fiddler   2002-09-30 16:40
ok. nvidia markets the g-force 4 [g4mx420-t (s+c)] as having dual display.. onsame or different dislays- yet the card has 1 vga, 1s-tv out and one c-tv out. how is this possible with 2 monitors ??????????

is there any economical way to convert the s-tv out to a vga for the 2nd monitor? or would it be cheaper to jsut buy a 2nd nvidia?

or mabye a s-tv out to a serial in????
Matthew   2002-10-01 03:19
The GeForce 4 series is capable of supporting multiple displays, however each individual board manufacturer decides which ports to put on the card. Some of them will only put one VGA port on to save on costs. If your card only has one VGA or DVI port, then it won't do multiple monitors without a converter which will likely lose quality and limit resolution. Besides, a good TV-VGA converter will cost as much as or more than a new Video card with dual VGA outputs.

I would recommend trying to purchase a card that has multiple monitor outputs. I know EVGA makes a GeForce 440MX card that retails around $80 that has two 15-pin analog VGA out ports, but no TV out. There are others that have multiple monitor ports an TV-Out, you just need to look for them.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> s-video to 2nd monitor? bad specs on this card??????

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