Reed 2014-10-27 13:05
I was using Ultramon's trial period, and it ran out, so I purchased a licence... When I input the registation information I get:
Installer Information: There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
followed by:
Ultramon: AboutDlg::OnRegister: MsiCollectUserInfo failed with 1603.
When I uninstalled and tried to reinstall 3.2.2, I got the same initial message followed by:
UltraMon Setup Wizard ended prematurely UltraMon setup ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again
Any suggestions?
Christian Studer 2014-10-27 14:31
What happens if you reinstall UltraMon and don't enter your registration information, does this work fine?
Christian Studer -
Reed 2014-10-29 05:20
No, straight into the "there is a problem with this windows installer package. a dll..."
I did everything that is in the FAQ, cant figure it out...
Christian Studer 2014-10-29 14:13
One other thing you can try is to run setup as administrator. Usually this isn't necessary, but I've had a couple of users who could only install successfully that way.
To do this, open a command prompt as administrator, then run the following command:
msiexec /i <setupfile>
where <setupfile> is the full path and name of the .msi file, for example:
msiexec /i "C:\Temp\UltraMon_3.2.2_en_x64.msi"
Christian Studer -
Reed 2014-10-30 08:06
Just attempted that...
Same thing, "there is a problem with this windows installer package. a dll..."
Christian Studer 2014-10-30 13:06
Please do a logged install and send me the generated log file to
To do this, open a command prompt as administrator, then run the following command:
msiexec /i <setupfile> /l*v UltraMon.log
The log file, UltraMon.log, will be created in the folder where the setup file is located.
Christian Studer -
Reed 2014-10-31 14:04
Just tried that as well...
It gives the same error, and does not create a log file...
Christian Studer 2014-10-31 14:59
Are you sure you entered the correct command? You should always get a log, even if there's an error.
You can post the exact command you used here and I'll take a look at it.
Christian Studer -
Reed 2014-11-01 11:16
msiexec /i C:\UltraMon_3.2.2_en_x64.msi /l*v UltraMon.log
I tried that one, and with the C:\ etc inside " "
It just tries to run the installer and comes up with the same error.
I also tried the cd.. command to brign it back to straight up C:\> in command prompt, and it comes up with "error opening installation log file. verify that the specified log file location exists and is writable."
Christian Studer 2014-11-01 14:07
The command looks okay. Which version of Windows are you using?
Christian Studer -
Reed 2014-11-04 09:21
windows 7
Christian Studer 2014-11-04 13:03
I have now tested on 64-bit Windows 7, and found out the following:
1) the log file gets created in the working directory by default, not the directory with the setup file. This is C:\Users\<username> when you open a command prompt, so my guess would be that your first attempt at running a logged install actually worked, but the log file was created in C:\Users\<username> and not C:\
2) if you navigate to C:\ in the command prompt, causing the log file to get created in C:\, you should only get the 'Error opening installation log file' error if you're running as a regular user, with an admin command prompt this should work fine. To open a command prompt as administrator, go to Start Menu > Programs > Accessories, then right-click 'Command Prompt' and select 'Run as administrator'
Christian Studer -
Reed 2014-11-04 19:13
You are a genius!
Yes, the log file was in the Users directory, I can send that to you if you would like.
However, when I ran command prompt as an admin, and went to create a log file, it installed UltraMon correctly.
So, I'm not sure what the fix was exactly? I had already tried to install it under admin before.
Let me know if you want that log file, otherwise... thank you!
Christian Studer 2014-11-05 13:51
Glad to hear that, no need to send the log file if everything is working correctly.
Christian Studer -