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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WinXP and Three Monitors.... Sorta Working.....
Scratch   2002-10-11 13:08
OK Here's the situation....

GForce4 Ti 4600
- Monitor 1 = Compaq MV900
- Monitor 2 = NEC XV17 (DVI Port)
GForce4 MX 420
- Monitor = Phillips 107b

Everything works as it should in Windows. However there is no Multi-Monitor in Games.. Ghost-Recon with Island THunder (1.3 Patch), Duke Manhatten Project, Nuttin'. Strangest part is, When I launch Ghost I actually see all the processes spawning, and can see the 'Windows Title Bar' minimise and Maximise on the 2nd and 3rd monitor, but no game. Most strange. Any thoughts? Any assistance would be appriciated.
Rob Smith   2002-10-12 00:47
Yeah, read the frontpage news and install the very latest 40.xx drivers and try again.
Scratch   2002-10-12 01:04

I currently am running the latest 40. Det. Drivers. The system is a fresh re-install, only the Vido Drivers have been installed, and then the game, nothing else.
Scratch   2002-10-12 01:42

Well I managed to Span the desktop across the two monitors attached to the Ti4600, However I can't seem to be able to make it span to the third monitor (The Phillips COnnected to the MX 420)... ANy thoguhts? I'm back to reading and digging through Doc's....

Thanks everyone...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WinXP and Three Monitors.... Sorta Working.....

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