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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Why is this Happening!?!?!?!?!?
Scratch   2002-10-13 02:31

I've got all three monitors going, and with having disables all of my USB Ports I have NO IRQ conflicts anywhere. So the question is Why can't I play games across three monitors? Or two for that matter?

If I "Span" the desktop with nView on the Ti4600 I can get two monitors going in Ghost Recon, however if I remove the "Spanning" I can only get one monitor going. Strange thing is, If I ALT-TAB out of Ghost I can stt Three Ghost Recon processes running! They just don't display on the second and third monitors, what the hell is going on?

I've tried all sorts of setting with UltraMon to no avail, Can't seem to make this work for the life of me. Can anyone suggest something here? I'm at a total loss for what to do next.
Pyro   2002-10-13 06:07
Let me guess, your new to this, and you haven't looked through the forums yet. To start off, if your losing I/O ports as a result of adding video cards, then you are having IRQ conflicts, but your M/B is turning off the devices for you in the bios, so you've probably got a gateway or a dell or something. Now for the "game spanning" anyone who knows anything about multi-mon knows that if a game is to work over all 3 monitors, it either must support it (which usually requires that you use specified hardware) or you have to find something like quake that can be run in windowed mode, ie allowing you to put the game in a window so you can move it around or maximize to the desktop. Now in this case you have to have boards that support opengl or intense 3d hardware rendering in multi-mon mode. so in your case your just spitting against the wind, unless you give a few more details on your system specs no one here can help you...
Scratch   2002-10-13 07:32

Yeah OK, A bit new to this. But I have gone throught he forums, here and allot fo other places to no avail. I'll address your comments one by one as there are quite a few.


No No conflicts anywhere. Took me a while to do, but everything is on it's own IRQ.

Current Config:

AGP GForce4 Ti4600
PCI GForce4 MX 420

Compaq MV900 - VGA Output of Ti
NEC VX17+ - DVI Output of Ti
Phillips 107B - MX420

Windows XP
Latest and Greatest Drivers
Audigy Sound Card

The Machine is NOT a consumer product, (Compaq, IBM, Dell, GateWay etc...)

Heres the Problem in Detail.

I can activate all thee monitors, and have the 19inch Compaq as primary with the two 17's on either side. If I run something like "Ghost Recon", with the 1.3 Patch which supports MultiMonitor, Three 'GhostRecon' processes start. The Primary monitor starts the game, the second and third just display the desktop. No Options to change to proper Res. You can actually 'see' a shadow of the windows opening up on the two 17's and with UltraMon running you can actually see the icons appear on the taskbars of the 17's as well.

Now, If I "Span" the Compaq and NEC monitors (The two attached to the Ti) and start the game, I can set Dual-Monitor resoloutions, (1600x600) and the like. However using 'nView' I cannot 'Span' across to the Phillips Monitor (Attached to the MX420) and create a "WideScreen" effect in the range of say 2400x600, which was the whole reason for going three monitors anyway.

So am I barking up the wrong tree here? Is it that this game won't support what I want to do with my current config? Is there a game you can suggest that "will" work accross the three monitors in this fashon? Should I be looking at ditching the GForce cards and going Matrox? Hate to do it, these cards cost a whack load....

'k well I'll leave it at that and see what you make of it.

Erik Olofsson   2002-10-13 13:01
The performance of Parhelia solution really sucks.
I borrowed one from work to try on my three monitors, and for fps gaming its not that good actually... maybe flight simulators if you are into that (I think MS flight simulator supports multiple monitors, so you should be able to get that to work).

I don't see it like a loss anyway, I was happy to go back to my good old !stable! gf4 and gf2 combo.
Nite   2002-10-13 18:56
Read the "About: Gaming and Multiple Monitors" post for info. (and about Parhelia performance: I don't know your standards or games you use, and I don't own the card, but everything I read from reviews all over seems to point that Parhelia can do decent fps in three-monitor config. 75fps tops is good for me, my screens ain't going higher anyways. And to speed-geeks: 30fps (continously, not max) is very much playable, but drop below 30fps, and you'll start to see the e-e-e-e-effect ;)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Scratch   2002-10-14 00:54
So what's happening is I'm asking the card to do something that can't be done. unless it's in a window. Damn! Ever tried to play Rogue Spear on two monitors? Your crosshair tends to split the two monitors which, is a real pain if you ask me. SO I guess the only direction to go from here is to sell off the GCrap4 cards and go and buy a Matrox.... Damn and blast....

Pyro   2002-10-14 06:01
or you could just get another gf4 and add another monitor so that your cross hairs sit in the center of the middle screen
Nite   2002-10-14 09:05

...and use the windowed mode. It works OK, but if someone wants to use it *fullscreen*, then said someone goes and buys a Parhelia.

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Why is this Happening!?!?!?!?!?

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