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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Detonator 40.x
Erik Olofsson   2002-10-13 06:28
I have been using multimonitor like forever and have always used one card for every monitor. I stick to nvidia.

With the event of GF4 I started using both ports of this card. I also upped my total amount of monitors to 4. For the two extra ports I use a GF2 MX 400 PCI dual monitor card (Elsa gladic 511). Everything was ok with the 30.x drivers.

I have three monitors at 1904x1428 (custom resolution), and the forth (a LCD) at 1024x768. With the 40.x drivers when I enable "treat screen as a seprate devices" the primary monitor on my GF2 MX is limited to 1280x1024 max resolution (1600x1024), wich sucks.

I guess that I can't solve this problem, so I want to file a bug report to nvidia, anyone know how to do that?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Detonator 40.x

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