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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon all-in-wonder agp with rad. 7500
CerialPhreak   2002-10-14 06:37
My goal through all this is to have 3 monitors, and keep the features of my all in wonder. when i looked thru the faq about adding multimon on win98 im less than thrilled about having to reinstall drivers each time i boot up. does anyone know if the Hydravision software that comes with the 7500 eliminate the need to do what the faq said? also does anyone know of any conflicts with 2 ati cards ( besides whats in the faq )


CerialPhreak   2002-10-14 06:50
Ok now that ive realized that in the faq it talks about matrox cards, how do i install a second card on my comp? thanks and i kno im an idiot

Christian Studer   2002-10-15 09:16
Just make sure the AGP All-in-Wonder is set as primary in BIOS. I don't know if the PCI Radeon 7500 works fine as secondary, but you can check this in the database.

Christian Studer -
T.R. Johnson   2002-10-16 09:12
I have a setup close to what you have except that my primary card is a All in Wonder 128 pci and the secondary card was the 7500 Radeon. While you can get the dual display to work (on a WinXp machine) the Tv funtion of the All in Wonder will give you the blues.
I got mine to work when I first installed in on my system but after not being happy with the picture started to fool around with it to improve the picture only to lose the Tv all together. Now while the All in Wonder card works fine as well as the 7500 card .....I lost out on being able to watch Tv...which was the only reason I bought the All in Wonder card in the first place.
CerialPhreak   2002-10-18 19:22
Johnson, was the cable in not working? or was it the composite/ svideo?
mongoose   2002-11-18 02:43
Yea, I thought it would be really cool to have my 17" be center channel between my 2 15" trinitrons so to that end i picked up a PowerColor Radeon 9000 dualhead to compliment my Radeon AIW AGP card. boy is that a joke, i can get it to enable all three monitors and it works if all i want to do is move my mouse around, but the second i open the tv tuner or try to dnl a file in IE or even open notepad (doesnt matter what monitor this happens on) my computer just flat out reboots.

Im just going to pick up a set of GeForce4 MX440 64mb PCI cards and use those instead.
T.R. Johnson   2002-11-22 23:30
After a lot of fooling around I have got my setup to work now without major problems. I am running a AIW 128 pci as primary and a 7500 Radeon AGP as secondary. The trick to getting it to work is the drivers and how you install them. The pci card has to be primary in the bios or the Tv funtion won't work. Once you get the primary card up and running fine then install the 7500 card and see if Windows will use it's drivers to install the card. You really don't need to install Hydravision since WinXp supports mutiple monitors. If it doesn't work with Windows drivers then install the latest driver from the ATI web site but once again if using WinXp...just install the card driver not hydravision and you should be good to go.
Seek_1   2002-12-10 13:28
can the original poster let us know how things turned out?

Were you able to get 3 monitors working along with the TV Tuner?
Nick Spencer   2002-12-18 04:29
Your setup sounds similar to mine. I've got an ATI 8500DV All-in-Wonder AGP, with a Radeon 7000 PCI. Getting the multi-monitor configuration up and running was mostly painless. However, once I installed XP SP1, all h@ll broke loose. Any attempt to access DirectX (DXDIAG.EXE, even IE) resulted in BSOD and instant reboot. I wish I had found this website before I started the troubleshooting process, would have saved me a week at least.

My current solution involves setting the 7000 PCI card to primary in the BIOS (XP still lets me set the AGP card as primary after booting). However, the TV features are now disabled (can't initialize hardware). According to the FAQ here as Realtime, the AIW has to be primary in order to activate the video features. Primary, as in BIOS primary. Ergo, no TV for the moment.

I need the multiple monitors right now more than the TV, so I live with the current problems. However, it looks like the 7000 will have to be replaced with something else that will allow the AGP to be primary and still work DirectX across multiple monitors.

Starting the research...


ABIT KR7A w/ Athlon XP 1900+
ATI 7000 PCI
A little less hair after troubleshooting
Nick Spencer   2003-01-04 01:24
For the folks following this thread, here's an update...
Santa delivered a Radeon 7500 dual head PCI card, so I'm off into the wonderful world of tri-monitor troubleshooting (side-note: the 7500 has one analog and one digital output, but ATI does not include a digital-to-analog adaptor. If you have two analog monitors, you will need to purchase the adaptor yourself. They are VERY scarce in Florida).
Just to muddy the waters further, I downloaded DX9 onto my machine, as well as the DX9 drivers from ATI.
First, the good news; I can now boot my AGP card as primary in BIOS, which means I have TV again! The bad news is that when the secondary monitors are enabled, the TV fails (again). Apparently, I'm back to where I started.
So, has anyone been able to get ATI's All-in-Wonder TV window to work (on a monitor) in a multi-monitor setup?


ABIT KR7A w/ Athlon XP 1900+
ATI 7500 PCI dual port (Ho ho ho...)
Waiting on an adapter for the third screen...
J3   2003-01-13 02:24

Santa brought me new video cards for Christmas as well, a Radeon AIW 8500DV (AGP)and a Radeon 7500 (PCI). I am also having issues with getting both to run together. Whenever I run any type of moving video function (MPEG playback, DVD playback or the TV features) I get BSOD. It is more than a little frustrating as I asked for these cards in particular because I THOUGHT the same chipset would eliminate incommutability issues. Oh well.... I am open to any suggestion not already mentioned, as I have tried them all.


ABIT KT7A-RAID w/ TBird 1Ghz (RAID disabled)
768 MByte RAM
ATI 7500 PCI dual port

Help me Obi Wan...
Nick Spencer   2003-01-20 08:22
Well, I'm up and running. the AIW 8500DV is doing fine with TV, video, and DVD. The 7500 is doing its thing, and I'm contemplating the joys of 4800x1200 nirvana on triple 21" monitors.
First, the good news. The combination of the latest Catalyst drivers, XP SP1, and DX9 has resulted in a stable system. No crashes, no BSOD. I was having problems with ATI's SMARTGART feature; it kept turning off my fast writes and resetting my AGP to 1.0. Removing the 8500 driver (from the add/remove programs page) and rebooting reinstalled the 8500 driver without the SMARTGART feature, and all is well again.
Now, the bad news. The 7500 appears to be a terrible PCI dual monitor card for my needs. Forget the fact that you have to purchase a separate DVI2VGA adapter to get the second VGA monitor (the AIW 8500DV had one). At 1600x1200x32@75Hz, the output on each monitor is fuzzy and blurry, almost unuseable. It's worse on the DVI, gives me a headache to look at it. I've cross-checked the monitors, the cables, even the DVI adapter. It's definitely the 7500. The current replacement card does the exact same thing!
Guess I'll hafta start looking for a non-ATI replacement...


ABIT KR7A w/ Athlon XP 1900+
ATI 7500 PCI dual port (with a VERY fuzzy DVI output...)
Enjoying 4800x1200 nirvana....with a headache.
Nick Spencer   2003-01-20 08:32

Check at ATI and verify you have the latest CATALYST drivers. I also recommend checking out, their forums have a procedure for doing a sterile clean wipe of old ATI drivers (turns out I had a few hanging around on mine). If you do a sterile wipe, install the original drivers and software from your CDs first, THEN upgrade the CATALYST drivers. (Your CDs have some stuff that isn't included in the CATALYST upgrades - definitiely needed!)

Good Luck!

Nick (no kidding - my callsign is YODA!)

ABIT KR7A w/ Athlon XP 1900+
ATI 7500 PCI dual port (with a VERY fuzzy DVI output...)
Enjoying 4800x1200 nirvana....with a headache.
Ted   2003-02-01 09:33
Nick: I have a configuration similar to yours in that of the ATI AIW 8500DV AGP and the RADEON 7500 PCI that I was using with Windows 2000. And I had the usual problems with the TV input coming up with the error message and all of that. I took your suggestion to install DirectX 9.0 and when I rebooted, nothing had changed. However, when I changed the primary display to AGP (which was a no no under Directx 8.1) and rebooted, everything works. The TV input works. I had previously installed the ATI 780.all and associated control panel drivers, hence all of the display drivers were up to date.
The bad news is that the resolution of the 7500 vga port is like you said and completely unacceptable. I will be using that output to drive a projector to an 8 x 12 foot screen, hence will be looking for the best pci video card that I can find without robbing the bank :-)
Thanks for your suggestions. Good luck !!

steven collatos   2003-03-05 23:57

I'm kind of a newbie at this ati troubleshooting, so bear with me.

Setup: ati all-in-wonder 128 pci (THE ONLY REASON I GOT THIS WAS FOR TV CAPTURE)
GeForce4 Ti 64 AGP
When I click on TV on the multimedia toolbar it gives me an error to check the drivers and blah blah blah. The first thing I'm going to do when I get home is check in the BIOS settings to make sure that I have the primary card selection correct, and then to download DX9 all drivers and software, uninstall old drivers, install new ones. But for some reason, if all that doesnt work...what should i do?

senalphsarci   2003-06-23 15:39
im trying to get dual moniter display working but its not happening. It just seems as the second moniter is not being recognized. I have a geforce 3 with the latest drivers installed. Im using two analog monitors, one is hooked up to a dvi adapter which in turn is hooked up to the dvi port on my video card. When i plug both moniters into the video card the display becomes distorted on both, they both recieve a signal but its weak. Both monitors display the same thing(clone mode i think its called). Windows only picks up the moniter that is plugged into the vga port and installs only the drivers for that monitor(running windows xp). I had a spare monitor and thought that i would try doing this so i went and bought a dvi/vga adapter for 20 bux....feeling like i should return it cuz i cant get this to work, any help would be very apreciative.
ecarlson   2003-06-24 11:55
I thought GeForce 3 cards didn't support dual monitors, only some GeForce2 cards and a bunch of GeForce4 cards. I thought I read it somewhere (here?), but I might be mistaken.

- Eric
dontrade   2003-08-23 00:25
I use and ATI All in Wonder 32 meg card with two Matrox Millennium II PCI cards and have none of the problems you guys are having. Works perfect with TV and no problems in XP using no software programs to manage the displays, just XP.
EArcher   2003-11-01 06:23
hey i have a question is there any way that i can have my Radeon 8500(AGP)run my games and stuff but also have my Radeon AIW(PCI) installed so i cna watch TV ?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon all-in-wonder agp with rad. 7500

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