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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GForce 3 TI200 AGP & Radeon 7000 PCI
gman   2002-10-15 07:58
I am wanting to hook up 2 monitors to my computer. I currently have an MSI Gforce 3 AGP 64M video card and just bought a Radeon 7000 PCI card. After installing the driver for the Radeon and rebooting I now get "windows protection error" when I try to boot my computer.

I tried to other really old PCI video cards (S3 & Diamond) but they locked up my computer when I went into the display settings and tried to change any setting (like enable the second monitor). Can I use my GF-3 for multi monitors? Any one have any recomendations?

Other specs:
1Gig RAM
100G Hard Drive
16x CD Burner
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GForce 3 TI200 AGP & Radeon 7000 PCI

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