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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Blue-screen System Errors (not BSODs) in W2k
Seek_1   2002-10-17 08:50
Sometimes (ie randomly) when I'm using my dual monitors and doing things on both screens (like say using IE on one screen and having an ICQ message window open on the other), I'll get a Blue-screen system error (Unhandled Exception or something like that.. can't remember exactly, I'll write it down next time it happens).

Does anyone know what might be causing this? Here's my system specs if it helps:

TB1200@1200, 256M, ECS K7S5A
Voodoo3-3k AGP (primary in bios)
Voodoo3-3k PCI

I suspect it's got something to do with the two videocards, but I'm just not sure what. Do you think replacing them with a single dual-head card might help?
warsi   2002-10-20 04:01
it hapens to me sometimes.. randomly in span mode

but i'm using a radeon 8500 and win2k

don't have a solution sorry

bye warsi
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Blue-screen System Errors (not BSODs) in W2k

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