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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 8500 dual monitor resolution resetting
Bill Sobel   2002-10-25 15:55
Anyone else running into this problem:

Windows XP with/without SP1. Radeon 8500 installs fine with latest Cataylst drivers but if I set independant resolutions on my two displays (primary 1600x1200, secondary 1280x1024) the primary revernts to 1280x1024 after every reboot. During the windows session I can set and maintain seperate resolutions just fine.

I thought it might be an effect of having had older drivers on the system. ButI just upgraded to a new machine so I did a clean install of XP and the issue returned immediately. Prior to the first Catalyst builds I could maintain seperate resolutions without error.

I'm using a Ultramon shortcut in the startup group to work around the problem, but would like to solve it 'correctly' if possible.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 8500 dual monitor resolution resetting

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