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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> OpenGL on Primary Device and Direct3D on Secondary!
Christian   2002-10-26 10:37
I'm currently using a 3D Engine that is OpenGL based. I used this 3D engine ( Vega ) to write a game called "Airwar'44"( WWII Air Battle ).

My customer has requested that I render some 2D/3D instruments in a second monitor bellow the primary monitor. The primary monitor is the view you would see if looking out the planes forward window.

I have managed to render polygons using Direct3D in the secondary monitor while my OpenGL app is running in the primary monitor but performance is poor. I think the Direct3D instruments are not hardware accelerated.

1) How do I create a Win32 window in the secondary monitor?

2) Is it possible to use OpenGL instead of Direct3D to render the instruments in the secondary monitor?

3) Can you render multiple windows in OpenGL?

If YES it might be better for me to get the coordinates of the secondary monitor and locate the instruments that way in a second OpenGL window?

My system Software:
Windows 2000, SP3
Video Drivers ( Nvidia Detonator 40.72 )

My system Hardware:
Primary Video: GeForce 3 AGP
Secondary Video: GeForce 2 PCI

Thanks in advance fo your help!

Love the web-site it has been extreamly helpful.

Christian Menge

Lead Engineer
Vertigo Visual Sys.

Christian Menge

Lead Engineer
Vertigo Visual Sys.
Rich   2002-10-29 04:20
If your DirectX surface extends across a monitor split, it will be rendered in SW rather than HW (this is an MS limitation to multimon DX). As a first step, I would ensure that the DX surface you set up is wholly contained on the second monitor.

In terms of multiple OGL windows, yes, you should be able to create multiple OGL windows as well but note that with multi-mon OGL, it is also recommended that you do not stretch the window across monitor splits.
Rob Smith   2002-10-30 10:19
The easiest way is to buy a GF4Ti4200 (can be found for <150$) and use the nView to create one screen of the 2 above/below. That way, you don't have to worry about using 2 different monitors, Windows and all apps act like it's one screen, so you can go ahead and mix DX with OGL or run multiple OGL windows.
Christian   2002-11-02 01:25

Got your post, much appreciated! I’m a little confused by your solution. My physicals setup demands that I use two separate monitors. One monitor at eye level that represents, out the window view and one at about knee level representing the aircraft instruments. Are you saying to use the GF4Ti4200 with nView? This will allow me to create on big parent window that stretches across both monitors. Then inside this parent window I run my OpenGL app at the top (upper monitor) and run my Direct3D at the bottom of this parent window (lower monitor)?

Does the GF4Ti4200 have a dual outputs?

Thanks for your help!

Christian Menge

Lead Engineer
Vertigo Visual Sys.
Christian   2002-11-02 01:30
Sorry about that I ment, ROB

Christian Menge

Lead Engineer
Vertigo Visual Sys.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> OpenGL on Primary Device and Direct3D on Secondary!

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