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Forums -> VideoSaver -> 3/4-screen size added. Great! However...
H. Danner   2002-10-26 15:41
It looks like you put something in there that either Excel or plstconv.exe can't handle, when you added 3/4-screen size. I converted the playlist to a .csv file with plstconv.exe after entering a block of regular aspect-ratio clips at 1/2-screen, changing the default size to 3/4-screen, then adding a block of widescreen clips to the same playlist, so I could put this .csv in Excel to randomize the playing order thoroughly (about 700 clips, total). But when I first looked at the .csv in Excel, ALL the sizes said '1/2-screen' (the playlist in VideoSaver showed the wides at 3/4-screen before, the way I set them). With Excel,I manually changed the wide ones to 3/4-screen and converted the playlist back to .plst, but the wide ones ended up playing 'Maximized'. Then, I made a playlist where I entered the wides (at 3/4) first, then the regulars (at 1/2). When I looked at the .csv in Excel for that one, The sizes for the wides said 'Unknown', instead of 3/4. If I enter ALL the clips at 3/4 in the same playlist in VideoSaver , they play at 3/4. ??? How about if you could get VideoSaver to Jump from playlist to playlist at random? I could set up one playlist in 1/2 and another in 3/4.
H. Danner   2002-10-26 17:38
After fiddling around a bit and looking at plst's and csv's with a hex editor, it appears that the value for "3/4-screen size" can be seen and understood by VideoSaver, but plstconv.exe can't seem to make sense of it. A csv from a playlist with nothing but 3/4-screen size clips shows "Unknown" size for all the clips when I view it in a Hex-Ascii editor, as well as in Excel.
The real issue is VideoSaver being able to randomize a large number of clips (I have 200 wides and 500 regulars), but we've been through that (plstconv.exe was helpful before). If the interface had some button or something that could randomize the hell out of a playlist, that would be good. If I just use the "random play" function after loading all my regulars, then all my wides into one playlist, it could be several days before I see a wide one; but then it's nothing but wide ones for a while. Serious randomization - no matter how many clips are entered - is one thing the AVI Screensaver could do well. VideoSaver does a fine job randomizing a few clips. Now, with more sizes, it's getting even closer to the ideal. If I can really randomize a large playlist easily (possibly by changing the "3/4" value to something plstconv.exe can deal with), I'll bury my AVI Screensaver and fully convert to Christian-ity.
Christian Studer   2002-10-27 00:27
You'll need to install the updated PlstConv with support for the new size:

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> 3/4-screen size added. Great! However...

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