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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor - dual Desktop - dual login -dual everything
Todd   2002-10-31 01:36
I am using a Dell laptop in dual monitor mode. I can get dual spanning monitor support no problem. What I want though is two virtual desktops but I don't want them on the same monitor I want 1 desktop per monitor. The laptop and the external monitor I am using are different resolutions and different sizes and different distances from me so regular dual spanning mon is distracting but I want the extra space. Is there a way to do this in Ultramon I haven't seen or even with another program? I spent most of yesterday afternoon searching google et al. and found no answer so now I am posting here in the hopes that I am not crazy for wanting this. I used to do it under X years ago and I would hope that there was some sort of Windows analog by this point.

Christian Studer   2002-10-31 03:10
BeTwin might be useful, but it's not exactly what you're looking for.

Christian Studer -
Todd   2002-11-01 01:27
Yeah that's an interesting product but not quite what I was looking for. I kept searching yesterday and as far as I can tell no on else really wants this functionality on a Windows machine. Even X11 it is considered the "old" way of doing things. I guess I'll have to live with it.

John L.   2002-11-06 22:59
Sounds like you might just want two systems- I mean, how much does a second cheap PC cost? Also, there is an X-windows client that runs in windows for remote X sessions. More, if you have a windows server around, Terminal Services is very cool. You can multiple screens at any resolution, but it's not good for graphics really.
r0gu3   2002-11-13 07:06
Well Actually X11 doesn't consider that the old way, they consider it the STANDARD way... although there is a new extension (xinerama), Having multiple desktops is the DEFAULT way...

- r0gu3
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor - dual Desktop - dual login -dual everything

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