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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors with onboard video
Wes Garrison   2002-10-31 09:47
I'm trying to get dual monitor mode working with my onboard video card. If my AGP card isn't in, the onboard card works fine. When I put the AGP card in, the onboard card shuts off. I never get to see the dual-monitor setup in the Display properties.

I have an Award BIOS (v6.00 PG) but I couldn't find a setting to turn off auto-sensing-removal-mode.

Any suggestions?

Wes Garrison   2002-10-31 09:50
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I tried the Init Display First option, but it didn't work.

Also, my AGP card is a ATI Rage 128 Pro with the latest drivers.
Dave O   2002-10-31 14:33
Most (if not all) systems disable the on-board graphics when an AGP video card is installed. You can however, use the on-board graphics to create a dual-display system using a PCI video card.

Good luck,

Dave O
Wes Garrison   2002-10-31 16:11
Well, drat. The thing is, when I put this system together I seem to remember having the dual monitor setup in my display properties.
Dave O   2002-11-01 08:50
Don't despair. Find someone with a decent PCI video card that wants to trade for your AGP card and you are off and running. You may also find a deal on a PCI card at a local dealer or on the web. I recently acquired two TNT2 16Mb cards for $10 each.

Good luck,

Dave O
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors with onboard video

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