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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem: Linux XFree86 screen positions....
MrIXS   2002-11-18 22:52
Hi all,

I've got a very nice problem:
I try to work with 3 monitors in SuSE Linux 8.0.
They work perfect, but I can't get the positios right.
In the manpages there is written, that you can set the position relative (works), RightOf (works) LeftOf (works) .... but if i set it so absolute there is a parsing error very time I try to start X.

My config:
G550 (2 Monitors)
TNT2 (1 Monitor)

XFree 4.2.1

Does have anyone an idea why absolute positioning is not working?

I tried it with relative but there you cant set negative values.

Thanx MrIXS
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem: Linux XFree86 screen positions....

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