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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help with 3 montior setup
David   2002-11-26 05:46
I have a 21 kds crt and 2 17 kds crt, i want to hook up with the 21 in center and strech the screen to the 2 17 one on each side, how do i do it and what other hardware do i need to buy, right now i have a geforce 2 ti, i'll buy what ever i need to make this happen, thanks for any info

David Seto
Christian Studer   2002-11-26 10:10
You'll need one or two PCI video cards, either a dualhead card or two singlehead cards. See the guide for more information about setting up a multi-monitor system.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> help with 3 montior setup

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