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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> widescreen dvd playback
mongoose   2002-12-02 16:14
Well i got those 2 geforce4 mx 440 pci cards and along with my ati radeon aiw i have the 3 monitors up and running (stable so far) so thats working much much much better than using my AIW + radeon 9000 dual head setup (that would constantly crash)

Im wondering how i get dvd playback on all 3 monitors (like a super widescreen). right now it just displays black on the left and right monitors and the middle section appears on my center monitor (powered by my radeon aiw).

in fact if i start up my dvd player (either ati's or powerdvd) on the left or right monitor (powered by the geforce4 mx cards) all i get is black (but on the center it works fine).

why is this and is there a way to fix it?

thanks again
mongoose   2002-12-03 08:52
Well I woke up this morning and my box was locked up again, it lookes like my original radeon aiw drivers are at fault again (the same problem i was getting with my dual head radeon 9000)

in fact to even get my machine to boot up i had to disable the 2 geforce cards in safe mode.

does anyone know of a work around or fix to make an ati product play nice with multiple monitors?

(im using the catalyst 2.4 drivers (latest))

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> widescreen dvd playback

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