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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual VGA ports.
LittleScooby   2002-12-04 12:51
Are there any Geforce cards in a PCI format that have two RGB ports so I don't have to buy a DVI to RGB converter for my 3 crt monitors?

I already own an AGP card with one RGB port and would like to pick up a cheap (under $100) PCI card for the other two but those DVI to RGB converters are like $25+. I'd rather use that $25 and invest it in the dual RGB card.
seamonkey420   2002-12-10 16:56
there is!!!
the Jaton company makes a Geforce4 MX440 Twin in the PCI and AGP flavors. Its a dual rgb out geforce 4 mx 440! i just ordered one, an agp 2x/4x version, for about $71 including overnight shipping. I can't wait!! does anyone know how 3d games perform? I read aobut matrox dual heads and their slower performance with 3d gaming, but since this one is based of teh geforce4 mx chipset, it has to be way better..

'knowledge is power, spread the power'
seamonkey420's guides
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual VGA ports.

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