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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> JavaScript in proper window
darkbronzemist   2002-12-05 05:39
I have a JavaScript function that calls to give the user a pop-up confirmation dialog before proceeding with an action.

I have my laptop (running Windows XP and IE 6) set up in dual-monitor mode. The LCD is regarded as the primary display; the external monitor, the secondary. The primary display is my left-hand monitor; the secondary, my right-hand monitor.

The problem I'm encountering is this:

If I'm running IE in the left-hand (primary) monitor and I click on the link, the pop-up window appears in the center of the left-hand screen, just as it should. But if I'm running IE in the right-hand monitor and I click on the link, the pop-up window appears in the center of the left-hand monitor! I want it to appear in whatever monitor the main (parent) calling window is located. In this case, the main IE window is in the right-hand monitor. But no matter how I set it up, the pop-up always goes to the primary display.

Here's the code snippet. I pass in the parameters that center the pop-up window on the screen, but I don't know of any way to "force" it to load on a specific monitor.

swidth and sheight are constructed based on the size of the pop-up window and the screen resolution. In my case, I am running 1024x768 on both monitors.

function getRequestView()
dbName = "Apps/AdminReq.nsf";
var winWidth = 350;
var winHeight = 60;
var swidth = ( screen.width - winWidth ) / 2;
var sheight = ( screen.height - winHeight ) / 2;
popupWin = "/" + dbName + "/RequestViewDialog_D?OpenForm","RVWindow","width="+winWidth+",height="+winHeight+",top="+sheight+",left="+swidth );

Thanks in advance,
Nino   2004-04-24 08:43
i too am having the same problem regarding JAVA opening a window
Barton   2004-04-27 00:20

I forwarded your question to a friend of mine who writes javascript like you and I write a letter. He's very good.

He sent me this script and it seems to work great no matter what monitor you open the windown on.

Let me know if this helps.

Barton   2004-04-27 00:20
Oops...forgot to take out the script and /script:

var x = 0, y = 0;

if (document.all) {
y = window.screenTop;
x = window.screenLeft;
else if (document.layers) {
x = window.screenX;
y = window.screenY;
alert( x + " - " + y);
var popup ='somefile.html','popup','width=100,height=100,top='+y+',screenY='+y+',left='+x+',screenX='+x);
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> JavaScript in proper window

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