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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Appian Rushmore and Pentium 4 motherboard
Dillip   2002-12-06 13:23
I could not get Appian Rushmore video card with quad video support. It has two Radeon 7000 VE video chips on board. I could get two monitors working but can't get 3rd or 4th monitors to work. Appian technical support can't figure out what's problem with it. My motherboard is Gigabyte GA-8IHXP with Pentium 4 and Rambus memory system. Has anyone experience same problem ? or have anyone fixed the problem ?

Thanks in advance
Kuzmanoski   2003-11-29 23:39
Hi there

I have been setting up the appian rushmore video card for the last 3 to 4 days and have experienced the same problem.

I have a GA 71Xe4, first attempt was running windows 2000 which resulted in 2 monitors working only, then I tried XP with the same result.

I am waiting on a reply from Appian tech support to see what they recommend.

However on a second computer which has a GA8SR533 motherboard I have managed to get 4 monitors working,on windows 2000, there is a bug still as mon 1 & 2 are displaying in green and yellow.

I put this down to pure luck (this installation)and nothing else as I believe that the drivers are not working properly.

The only thing that I can not check is the jumper settings I have no documentation for jumper settings.

I also found that the cables as per the manual would not function correctly, the y cables with the blue dot I found to be the ones that would work with only 2 monitors then when I plugged in mon 3&4 mon 1 & 2 would stop functioning.

I have found this video card to tempromental and very difficult to install and get working.

Good luck, as I am still trying to get mon 3 & 4 working on the 1st computer.

Hopefully I get a response from tech support in the next few days.
dennis   2003-12-07 10:35
I,ve used appians' video cards with no problems.
I dont use their drivers though. I use ati hydravision driver.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Appian Rushmore and Pentium 4 motherboard

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