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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Missing app windows on taskbar (Windows 7)
Mike   2015-06-08 10:23
Hello -

I find that when Ultramon is running the primary monitor task bar does not show all windows for an application. For example if I have Microsoft Outlook running with a Calendar Window, Inbox Window, and a few messages in their own window, hovering over the Outlook task bar icon only shows a subset of the open windows. If I quit Ultramon, it shows all of them, and if I click on one of the missing windows, it gets added back to the hover list?
Christian Studer   2015-06-08 13:30
Are all the Outlook windows on the primary monitor?

So far I haven't seen this, I tested with Outlook 2013 and UltraMon 3.3.0, as long as all Outlook windows are on the primary monitor they are also on that monitor's taskbar and appear together when hovering over the grouped taskbar buttons.

Christian Studer -
Mike   2015-06-09 14:16
They are on the same monitor. Since you're not seeing, I will keep removing other items and see if I can find another issue. My first place to look will be Winsplit Revolution.
Christian Studer   2015-06-09 16:05
I would also recommend testing which UltraMon feature causes the problem, for example does this still happen if you have the Smart Taskbar disabled under UltraMon Options > Smart Taskbar?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Missing app windows on taskbar (Windows 7)

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