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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> saving and restoring fsx front and side view settings on 3 monitors
Art Wood   2015-06-28 23:00
using 3.2 ghz Dell XPS system with 3 24" monitors and two nvidia GEForce 285 video cards. I set up front and side views by undocking a virtual cockpit window, dragging it to one of the secondary monitors and expanding it to fit the monitor. After doing that, I would like to be able to save and restore the settings at a later date to avoid having to start from scratch. I haven't been able to figure out how to do it and will appreciate some help.

Christian Studer   2015-06-29 15:18
The WndLayout script for UltraMon might be able to help, you would still need to undock the windows manually but could then use the script to position them.

Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> saving and restoring fsx front and side view settings on 3 monitors

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