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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> fps go bye-bye?!?
kevh   2002-12-10 01:51
system specs:19" sony hmd on g4 4400ti (leadtek) and 15" flat panel on g2 mx. win xp pro freshly installed ~2 months ago. amd 1.4 w/512mb of ddr.

until a couple days ao i was averaging 150 fps in q3 and now i barely get 30! i have tried vid drivers, sound drivers (audigy gamer) and even via 4 in 1 drivers. all of my games are running very slow (os even seems a little slow). i run games on the primary (g4 4400+sony 19") and even tried running on the secondary (resulted in the same 30 fps). have even tried running without a sound card (have had sound card issues before with the audigy)-no increase in fps. even tried a system restore-no help. have changed bios to the defaults and back to the settings used when the system was fine and again-no change. have also tried disabling each vid card (no help)

nothing changed from the time it was fine until now (hardware, sw, etc). really baffles me that on a completely different monitor and vid card, i get the exact same result.

i am running out of ideas. any help from the gurus?

thx, kevh
mike   2003-02-23 02:18
check for virus...

Mangyrat   2003-02-23 13:39
any updates from microcrap?
also is it takeing forever for xp to boot/the task bar is still loading 1 min ater everyting else you still have the hr glass?
i had that problem a while back with xp. runs great for a month then it goes to hell realy fast. make shur you have all the updates sp1 and all that. and if your useing raid it may be the problem. to fix it on my sys i had to do away with the built in raid on my dragon+. i tryed runing hacked bios and driver for raid but that didnt help. for some reason after a month or so every thing slows way down., i think it has to do with service pack 1 and raid "lol warez os cant update service packs 1 that was my problem for a long time" i know its not hardware related i had win me dual booting and it ran fine just xp was craping out.
kev   2003-03-08 17:49
man almost forgot i posted this. microcrap-no updates and yes the system would pretty much crawl on boot and i would get random BSODs (especially when alt-entering in q3 or alt tabbing in ut). if rebooting it would come up (slowly) and if i shut down and powered up i was guaranteed at least 1 BSOD.

right after this i ended up rebuilding my os due to multiple random problems and the prob went away (not exactly a quickfix-lol)...

but she returned recently. this time i got away with just reloading the 41.09 drivers. all back to normal

seems like the driver gets a tad corrupted after a while and just needs a fresh reload. hopefully the next set of drivers will last longer

anyone know if it is possible to load the nvidia driver in 2 seperate places and assign each card it's own instance of the driver? seems like that might reduce the probability of corruption
kev   2003-03-08 18:06 running tri mon. geforce4 4400 is running the sony and a flat panel and the geforce2 is running an identical flat panel
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> fps go bye-bye?!?

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