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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Noise on second monitor, not caused by other monitors!
Ray   2002-12-10 04:22
I have two systems, each one of them with a G-Force 4 card (one is a 4400, and the other is a 4600). They are each driving a dual monitor setup, and both systems have the exact same problem: The second monitor has noise in the signal that is not caused by other monitors.

I can shut off all monitors in the room except one of the secondary displays, and the noise I'm seeing is identical to the noise when all of the monitors are on. So, I'm quite certain that this noise is occuring in the output of the card.

Another thing, this is not the kind of noise that I'd expect to see from electromagnetic interference. This is a crawling, even pattern over the entire display, and at slower refresh rates, it looks like digital noise. It's kind of hard to describe the noise, but it's as if the noise is in the hue as well as the luminance. I don't think the problem is with the monitors because as I said earlier, I've tried turning of anything that could cause interference, plus I have swapped monitors. The problem appears to be with the output from the card.

Both of these machines are dual Athlon systems running WinXP. One is a Dual 1800, the other a Dual 2000, both on Tyan Tiger motherboards. Neither system has any other hardware issues, they as solid as a rock. One syetem has a pair of 19 inch Iiyama Vision Master Pro 450's, the other system has a pair of 19 inch NEC Multisync FE991SB. Their power supplies are plenty big (550 watt), and I've checked to see if any of the fan's in the cases are causing this. I've never seen a change in the noise when updating drivers. Higher refresh rates only compress the noise into tighter horizontal bands. Higher resolutions only make the noise less noticeable because of the smaller pixels, but it's still there, and more of it.

I've run out of ideas. Could it be a timming issue? I've played with the AGP Driving strength in the system BIOS, but it made no difference. Would this be an issue with the G-Force 4, or the motherboard? Anyone have any clues?

kevh   2002-12-10 07:38
i had a noise problem that would come and go and i tried everything as it sounds like you have. come to find out it was a fan (oscillating-not a pc fan) in an upstairs bedroom (pc is downstairs). every time the wife would turn that fan on, i would get the noise. wasnt even close enough to know the fan was even on, but i could see it as noise in the monitors. talk about racking my brains trying to figure that 1 out!! plugged the fan into a different outlet and it hasn't happened since. look for something turned on in the house with a motor that runs at a constant speed
LoneIguana   2002-12-10 11:05
could there be a strong magnet near by, that would cause color changes. although it wouldn't cause it the pattern to move
Ray   2002-12-13 03:07
It's strange that it's only in the display on the right (secondary). The display on the left (primary) has a perfect signal. And swapping the monitors only swaps the poor secondary signal to the other monitor. I'm wondering if there are some issues with the video cards and their ability to drive two displays? I don't know. They are kind of expensive to just buy another one to test, and they are beyond the stores return policy. It's odd that I'd get two of them with the same issue. I'll try playing with the fans in my machine some more.
WiNC   2003-04-26 11:45
I have also noticed the same thing happening from the DVI socket of the Geforce 4 card I have. I believe it is infact a issue with the card since I have another friend who tested it out yesterday and he noticed a simular problem.

This might be a issue with Digital to Analog convertion (not sure if you are using that or not) but since I have no Digital monitor I can not confirm this interferance.

I have also noticed that it is worth the higher the monitor size. It is only a "ghosting" when using my 15" monitor off the DVI, but it is a really large shimmering bar down the left/centre of my 17" monitor.

Also this bar only appears when I have a screen res which is over 768 in width.

I have asked my card makers about the issue, and am hoping to hear something back from them. If not - I'm going to Raedon :)

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Noise on second monitor, not caused by other monitors!

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