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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> synchronisation of different zoom players
JanT4   2002-12-11 20:19

I just managed to view two different mpeg videos in fullscreenmode each on one display (limitation of zoom player that you have to take same display resolution on every display). So it should be possible to use more displays with more videos.

Is there a way to sysnchronize the zoom players showing exactly the same picture the same time. There are small time differences caused by starting the players one after the other. I don't know but for example starting each player one ofter the other and pausing immediately (movie is loaded) and then starting playing every zoom player instance. But I don't know how to manage that.

Thanks for your help.

Ciao Jan
Christian Studer   2002-12-12 01:31
I don't know if you can synchronize multiple Zoom Player instances, but if you want to run the same video on multiple monitors, check out VideoSaver. Please note that DVD video will only run on the primary monitor with VideoSaver.

BTW, Zoom Player and monitors with different resolutions does work, but you'll need to use the Zoom button to switch to fullscreen instead of the Fullscreen button. Zoom allows you to set the size of the fullscreen window.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> synchronisation of different zoom players

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