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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Icon and Mouse Cursor Display Problems - XP
Smokintodd   2002-12-12 00:32
Well, after an hour of searching these forums, I didn't find the help I needed so here go's:

I use a Diamond Video (2MB-PCI, S3 968 Chipset) card set to primary in BIOS. Visiontek GF3 Ti200 AGP as the other. This setup performed flawlessly in Win98SE. XP is a different story.

My cursor is a square bitmap that looks all corrupted on the AGP monitor. As well, some icons don't appear but the text always does. As well, the icons in some apps like OE are missing, no matter which monitor they're on.

The PCI card driver was installed under XP as an S3 Vision 968, as it was in '98SE. Changing colour depths, resolutions, primary and extended in all types of configurations has yeilded nada results in fixing this.

Anybody gone through something similar and been able to solve this?

Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Icon and Mouse Cursor Display Problems - XP

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