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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ICC profiles
Stefan   2002-12-13 21:16
Why is it not possible to install two different ICC color profiles (one for each monitor) with a GF4 card?As soon as you install it for one of the monitors,the other one takes this profile,too.
Many times I`ve read,that this is a windows limitation,but it`s not.With a Matrox 550,IT IS POSSIBLE!When will nvidia wake up and give us this possibility,too?
Rich   2002-12-14 02:15
It is possible if you use certain drivers. I'm currently using the newest detonators (41.09?) and you can do this, but I know other drivers I've used would do what you're saying. They'd only allow one profile. Maybe try a newer driver.
Stefan   2002-12-14 02:32
I`m using 40.72.Do you have any experience with this one?I don`t want to update,because I`ve patched this driver with softquadro4 and don`t know,wether SQ4 will work with newer drivers.
And you really are using 2 different profiles under WinXP with a GF4?WOW!I`ve been waiting for this for so long.
Stefan   2002-12-14 02:42
Do you know,wether it works with 41.03,because this one is definately supported by SQ4?
BTW,if you are interested in SQ4,take a look at
Stefan   2002-12-14 05:37
Tried 41.03 Doesn`t work,still only one profile.
Stefan   2002-12-14 23:39
Rich,I`m runnĂ­ng 41.09 now.Still only one profile possible.Can you tell me,how you can use 2 different ones and what OS you`re running.Is there a possibility to tune the registry or something else?
Stefan   2002-12-15 01:06
I noticed,that in my devicemanager,there are 5 monitors,two of them are the ones I really have connected,the other three ones are named "standard monitor".If I deinstall them,they are back at the next windows start.Under "colormanagement" in my graphics driver (and only under "colormanagement"),the two monitors are not named correctely,but "standardmonitor".Maybe that`s the reason,why one cannot assign 2 different profiles,because both monitors are named "standardmonitor".In all the other drivermenues,the monitors are named correctely,only in "colormanagement" it`s wrong.
So how can I get rid of those standardmonitors in the devicemanager?There must be a registry-trick.
Stefan   2002-12-17 21:20
Rich,where are you?
Robert Templeton   2002-12-18 01:43
No,no,no!!! Those "extra" monitors are used by the nVidia graphics drivers and especially the nView drivers. I already tried forceably deleting them and it required reinstalling my graphics drivers and reconfiguring nView from scratch to get multiple monitors working again. They are there for a reason, whatever it may be.

You can assign two different profiles. You must select each monitor in turn (from the Display Properties->Settings dialog) and go through the process in Advanced->Color Correction. If that still doesn't work, get a third-party calibrator (Adobe PhotoShop has one that comes with it) and use it instead.
Stefan   2002-12-18 05:56
Okay,so there`s a reason for those additional monitors.But the rest of what you say is a bit unclear to me since I have the german WinXP version.So I can only assume,that what you call "color-correction" is "Farbkorrektur" in my german version.But here,you cannot assign an ICC profile.In this dialog,you can change the gamma and brightness and so on.This takes effect on the LUT of the graphics card (as does Adobe gamma) and has nothing to do with an ICC profile (that`s the difference between calibrating and profiling a monitor,calibrating is affecting the LUT,while profiling is creating an ICC-profile).
I CAN assign an ICC profile in a dialog called "Farbverwaltung" (color....anything in english),but only one and the same for both outputs.So maybe we are talking about different things here.Or are you really able to assign two different profiles...the ones,that are located in windows,system32,spool,driver,color?Those are the ones,that I`m talking about.
BTW,I`m calibrating my monitors with "Optical" from colorvision and an X-rite DTP92 colorimeter.Optical first calibrates the monitor via Video-LUT and then produces an ICC profile.
Stefan   2002-12-18 06:06
If you are able to assign those two profiles in the way described above with a GF4,please tell me,what OS you`re using.
Robert Templeton   2002-12-18 09:26
You are correct. For nVidia, you access and set ICC Profiles from the "Color Management" tab under "Settings->Advanced..." (don't ask me what that is in Deutsch). Same rules should apply (select each monitor individually and set - you should see the monitor being effected above the Profile list as "Current Monitor"). Also, Adobe Gamma does let you apply an ICC profile as well as calibrate monitors.

I haven't asked, so I'll do so now. What GF4 video card are you using (nVidia chipset - TI 4200, TI 4600, etc)?
Robert Templeton   2002-12-18 09:26
Forgot to answer your question: Windows 2000 Pro. That might make a difference, but I am not certain.
Stefan   2002-12-18 20:07
Thanks for your reply,Robert.AS far as Adobe gamma is concerned,you`re right,it does both,of course:calibrate and make a profile.
Profiles are assigned in Color Management,that`s the correct translation for "Farbverwaltung",you were right here,too.
Now for the problem:If I select a monitor and go to colormanagement in order to assign the profile,the monitor,that is affected is listed here as...and only default monitor (anywhere else it`s listed as "Eizo T761" or "Hitachi CM611" correctely,but NOT here).And it does not matter,what monitor I selected before,this one is always named "default monitor"(I guess,that`s,what it is in german it`s "standard monitor").So whenever I assign a profile to one of the monitors and select the other one afterwards,the profile is assigned already to this one,too.
This brought me to the thought,that it could help to delete all those "default monitors",maybe then the monitors would be named correctely in colormanagement,too.But I don`t know.
I have a Gainward XP 750 (TI 4600) and tried different nvidia drivers.
Before that,I had an ATI 8500 for a short time (was defect,so I gave it back).As far as I can remember,this one allowed to assign different profiles with the driver from CD,but NOT with more recent drivers from their website.
Maybe you know somebody with XP and can ask him,wether it works.I can imagine,that the OS makes a difference.
Stefan   2002-12-18 22:12
Forgot to add why this is even a bit more confusing:According to what I read in the microsoft knowledge base,it is NOT possible to assign 2 monitor profiles to a dualhead card,only one profile for the primary display.This info was only for Win 2000 (what you`re running)!
There was none for XP.
Stefan   2003-01-06 22:59
Just got an answer from the Matrox support.They told me,that with a Parhelia it is possible under WinXP to assign 2 different ICC profiles for two monitors.
Why the hell can`t nvidia cards do that?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ICC profiles

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