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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1 FPD, 1 CRT, GF4 Ti 4200 AGP - Asking alot of system
Robert Templeton   2002-12-17 14:45
I have the VisionTek GeForce4 Ti 4200 AGP with a 17" FPD and a 17" CRT hooked up to it. Running W2K Pro with nView for dual-monitor setup. I also have Eye3D stereoscopic glasses (hooked up to the CRT) and nVidia Stereo3D drivers installed.

Currently, the CRT is my primary display since the stereoscopics only seems to work with that configuration (probably due to OpenGL restriction). But many programs won't run on the FPD as secondary (Cinema4D, LightWave, UVMapper, anything requiring OpenGL support) where I'd like them to run. The CRT is mainly for stereoscopic viewing (and not much else), so this is a little frustrating.

Is there any way to get OpenGL support on both monitors so that I can make the FPD primary and CRT secondary and still get stereoscopic support? Could a secondary PCI video card (eg GeForce4 MX420) solve this?

I also note that my Overlay settings in the GeForce advanced settings are greyed for both monitors.

Robert Templeton   2002-12-18 06:46
Well, after reading the OpenGL FAQ, it appears that, yes, a secondary (PCI) video card is the way to go. Picked up a VisionTek XTasy GeForce4 MX 420 and once everything was sorted out, now I have my FPD as primary display and CRT as secondary. I need to switch them when using stereoscopic glasses, but now at least it doesn't require a reboot, just a quick "Ok" and I'm set; another quick "Ok" and back to the FPD for 3D graphics work.

Very nice indeed.

Now just waiting for the XTasy GeForce4 TI 4600 to arrive so that I can get TV-in. Oh, what will I do with my TI 4200? ;)

Love this site!!

Robert T
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 1 FPD, 1 CRT, GF4 Ti 4200 AGP - Asking alot of system

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