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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> very strange problem, can you help?
Mark   2002-12-19 10:20
Hello, I hope someone can help me.

I am trying to run dual monitors. I can go into properties and enable the secondary just fine. I can change resolution, color everything on either and it all works great together UNTIL......
I reboot .

When I reboot the system the primary comes on and displays fine just to the point where the desktop is coming up then the primary goes black. Windows continues to load and the secondary works just fine.

The only way to get the primary back up and running is to boot in safe mode and delete the secondary card. Then windows boots fine redetects the 2nd card. If you don't enable the 2nd card then windows will run and restart normally. (but you have no dual) You can enable the second card and work in dual bliss so long as you dont restart the system.

I have a...
SE440BX motherboard
Diamond Viper v770 AGP {primary}
S3TRIO64v+ ver 775
mark   2002-12-20 06:57
Anyone with insights, or similar issues would be appreciated. Thanks.
Christian Studer   2002-12-20 06:58
Did you try using the S3 as primary? See the FAQ for more on setting the BIOS primary video card.

Christian Studer -
mark   2002-12-20 07:27
My BIOS does not have that feature, even after updating to the latest BIOS(2000). It so annoying since I can not restart my system otherwise I would loose the primary display.
snirp   2002-12-23 20:06
I guess you have the following setup:

AGP your primary card
PCI your S3
OS: windows 2000/XP

Your problem is common and i encountered it too. The solution is to list your PCI device as primary in the bios. If the bios does not support this, try getting a bios update.
Jose   2003-02-18 07:28
I have the same motherboard and it does indeed have that setting in the bios. you need to go to advanced video settings and set pci as primary
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> very strange problem, can you help?

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